Update 20.12.2016

Intr-o luna, adunarea europeana incepe in Freiburg. E momentul sa dam o forma agendei intalnirii si sa ne planuim calatoria.

Puteti sa cititi invitatia pe noul site -> http://reclaimthefields.noflag.org.uk <- si tot acolo puteti gasi formularul de inregistrare (foarte important sa fie completat cat mai curand), unde va incurajam sa faceti propuneri pentru continut. Este foarte important sa avem aceasta informatie din timp ca sa pregatim agenda in functie de interesele si nevoile voastre.

Ne asteptam ca intalnirea sa inceapa pe 18 ianuarie, dupa pranz. Centrul social care ne gazduieste este rezervat din 17 pana pe 22 ianuarie. Ar fi bine daca puteti ajunge in data de 17 sau cel tarziu 18 inainte de pranz.

Vrem sa va invitam sa luati parte la facilitarea unor sesiuni. Daca esti interesat/a poti sa iei parte la intalnirea pregatire a facilitarii ce va avea loc pe 18 ianuarie, ora 10:00.


Workshop on basic internet security

It will be a practical workshop on internet security and other online tool, with some views on security culture. It will last about 4-5 hours. Please bring your devices if you have (laptop-smartphone-USB-ecc). It’s directed to beginners, but all levels are welcome! you will learn how to use some of the tool that allows secure comunication (TOR, GPG, ecc) in very easy way (no geek) but it will also possible to install linux on your computer (if it’s the case please bring it empty), or answer to other informatic questions. If you have specific questions or if you want to do something specific on your device, please send it to the email below, so we can organize it. The workshop will take place on 17th of January. It will start at 14:00 or after lunch and will continue untill 20:00 or dinner. It’s _necessary_ to register, so if you are interested in joining, please send an email to this temporary address: pohskrow [at] riseup [dot] net, so we’ll know how many people will come. TAGS: tor, gpg, tails, pidgin, xmpp, enigmail, icedove, private comunication, secure chat, privacy.

More info very soon!

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