A new message from three carrots still trying their best to make this meeting happen in CLUJ-Napoca, Romania !!
We announced in june the new dates for this assembly : from 5 to 10 of october. We still hope that it will be possible to meet, share and be together. If you forget about the local context or the aims of this assembly, just check again below.
For the moment, the travel restrictions for some countries (Great Britain, France, Ireland, Switzerland, Greece, Portugal) are still high (classified “red zone” by romanian authorities, that means you have to be vaccinated to enter, otherwise you have to stay in quarantene).
For other countries (like Spain – yellow zone), a PCR test is required to travel, less than 72 hours before entering in the country. And some countries like Italy are in the green zone, no need to make a test before traveling. For the way back, the conditions depends on the countries.
Anyway, we hope that within one month, all the european countries will probably be in the green or yellow zone, so it will be possible to travel. That’s why we still believe that THIS MEETING COULD HAPPEN.
And that’s why we ask you to please REGISTER BEFORE THE 20 OF SEPTEMBER if you want to participate, so we can have an idea about the number of people coming. Please also join a contact (phone or anything you’ll check frequently) so we’ll be able to keep you updated instantaneously. THE REGISTRATION FORM IS HERE : https://reclaimthefields.org/registration-form-en-2021/
If people need some financial support, we’ll be able to help you with travel cost, or with covid-test costs you’ll may need to come and return.
Any question ? Please write to contactrtf [AT] riseup.net
Hope to see you soon !!The 2021 Carrots
Hi people !
We know is just two weeks before the meeting was supposed to start. But at this point, beside the carrots team (3 people), only five people confirmed their registration for the assembly in CLUJ, Romania. It looks like we cannot offer to have a proper RTF assembly in those conditions, so even if it was not easy we took the decision to postpone it. We are sorry for people who did register, and we’re sad to once again not achieve the purpose we’re aiming from 1 year and half now.
But we don’t give up ! We already saved the following dates and hope to meet you in October, from the 5th to the 10th. Same place, same process. Hope it will be for you a period of time less booked in events or peasant work.
We give ourselves a second chance to have a proper meeting, filled with the content you’ll bring and the experiences you’ll share. As we won’t be able to postpone it again in CLUJ in winter, we decided that we’ll have this meeting anyway with the people willing to come, whatever their number is. However, we don’t handle the sanitary situation and political decisions about travel restrictions, but we hope it will be stable until then, and also better for the countries that are not on the green list for now.
We invite you to consider this new info and to register as soon as possible, to spread the message around you, and to make content proposals.
Have a good summer and let’s meet soon.
The carrots
Hi everybody!
It might not be the best time to think about having a Reclaim the Fields meeting, but we are, yet again, thinking that circumstances will be better in a few months.So we are inviting you to the 2021 Reclaim the Fields European Assembly and we are willing to bet that it will indeed take place! So let’s put this invitation in a corner of our heads.
The Place: Cluj-Napoca – Romania
The Dates: 5-10.10 2021
Why meet ?
Reclaim The Fields is a constellation linking together places, struggles, and collective type organization at a European level. The constellation is about, among other things, access to land, to water, to seeds, food self sufficiency, fight against oppression, and grass root organization to get out of capitalism. All those items are enriched by what each and everyone brings into it: questions, experience, know-how, etc.For a few years, this organization has mostly revolved around a yearly assembly. It’s a moment for meeting, for connecting between different stars of the constellation (people, places, struggles). It’s also the one moment a year where we make decisions all together about what we want RTF to be.
This year, in this peculiar context, the more specific goals for this meeting are:
-creating and strengthening links between us, allowing the participants of those last years to see each other, and meeting new people that share our struggles and questions.
-opening a plain and simple place for meeting , for workshops, for discussions around subject that matter to us. Those spaces are just making themselves too rare lately!
-thinking about how to support each other , solidarity being more important than ever
As we talked in the last meeting, this year our idea as Carrots (organization team) is to prepare just the basic infrastructure of the event, which will enable us to meet together and share. This means the rest of the event -and of course the interesting stuff happening in it-, will be completely self-organized by all the participants.
All the skill-sharing workshops/discussions/games prepared in advance will be an appreciated and beautiful gesture 😊, because they will probably make the workshops/activities more interesting and a deeper offer. So, if you are working on one, please let us know, because it is better to give some ideas of what this event will be to the people considering to come. Apart from that, we invite everyone to participate in both ways (either prepared on advance or spontaneously shared on the spot) and we leave in everyone’s hands their piece of cake. And remember, the magic may not happen without you!
Local context
Cluj-Napoca is a city in the central part of Romania, in Transilvania region. As in all the big cities, but more specific here, there is an aggressive gentrification process taking over everything and hitting the most in the most disadvantaged category of its inhabitants. The local group hosting the meeting this year is Cultivă Orașul (Grow the City), an initiative promoting and putting in practice urban agriculture, taking care of several gardens and a orchard in different neighborhoods. The aim is to turn people back to agriculture and try to save as much land as possible from the destruction caused by the real estate development and the damaging local policies. There will be the opportunity to visit the gardens and hold workshops there, maybe also organise a demo. Members of the local group are active in the Reclaim the Fields and were part of the RtF camp which took place in Romania 10 years ago, in support of the anti-goldmining campaign Save Rosia Montana.
The place hosting all the participants is a radical social center, mantained by A.casă collective. The place was opened one year ago, during the pandemic, so no big events happened yet there, but there is the estimation that it could host up to 50 people on the spot, including kitchen, outdoor tents and workshops and discussions spaces. Also, there is a nice cooperative space not far away which could be used in case we need it.
The fact that the meeting takes place in the city in a limited place and because of the global pandemic situation, there will be some things which we will have to organise different from the previous RtF meetings. The REGISTRATION FORM is a must in order to be able to participate in the meeting. This will give us a good idea about who’s coming, your needs and what we have to prepare in advance to create a safe environment for everybody.
There will be national and local restrictions which we hope by middle of July will not be so strict, but anyway we will have to set together rules for how we will interact between ourselves and with others. Also things might change in the last minute and in the worst case we might have to take some taught decisions about the number of participants or the way it would take place.
So if you want to join the meeting, please fill in the registration form on the website: https://reclaimthefields.org/registration-form-en-2021/
We wish you the best and hope to see you soon !
The carrots
contactrtf at riseup dot net
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