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‘No to GM crops, Yes to Food Sovereignty’ – Public teach-ins on April 17th.

 The Community Food Growers Network invites you to a day of public events exploring why Genetically Modified (GM) crops pose a threat to sustainable food production, what the GM industry is doing here in Britain, and how we as ordinary people can support alternative, sustainable and socially just food systems.

 The teach-ins will be held in Walthamstow, Chingford and Brixton on the 17th of April and will provide a space for people with little or no knowledge of the issues surrounding the industrial genetic modifications of food crops (and other forms of life such as insects) to talk to experienced campaigners, concerned food growers and people passionate about supporting local food. Combining films, presentations, practical gardening and discussions this will be a day of grassroots popular education. All events are free of charge and open to everyone.

 These events are organised in solidarity with small scale producers all over the world who come together to take collective actions on April 17th.

 GM food is back on the British Government’s agenda. This year marks the first open air trial of GM wheat ever to be held in the UK, and a big step towards the commercial cultivation of GM crops in Britain. As community food growers we work to create healthy and sustainable food systems for the benefit of local communities, their economies and environments. We believe that the open air testing and commercial growing of GM crops is a serious threat to sustainable food production. To communicate the urgency and necessity of a strong response from civil society we invite you to our teach-ins on the 17th of April.

For details see

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